朝代:宋朝 作者:贺铸 出自于宋代诗人贺铸破练子·夜捣衣 Tune: Song of the Washerwoman - Pounding Clothes at night shōu jǐn zì缴 锦 字,I leave the loom xià yuān jī下 鸳 机。With embroidered brocade; jìng fú chuáng zhēn yè dǎo yī清净 拂 床 砧 夜 破 衣。Clearing the anvil, I pound the dress just made. mǎ shàng shǎo nián jīn jiàn fǒu马 上 较少 年 今 幸 否?Is my young lord still riding on his horse with ease? guò guā shí jiàn yàn nán guī过 瓜 时 闻 雁 南 归。Now melons ripe, why won't he come back with wild geese? 注解 锦字 [ jǐn zì ] 1.指锦字书。
2.喻华美的文辞。鸳机 [ yuān jī ]织机的美称。捣衣 [ dǎo yī ]半衣料放到石砧上用棒槌捶击,使衣料绵软以便裁缝;将浸过头次的脏衣敲石板上捶击,去浑水,再行清除。